This is the URL for our Google site:
After the presentation, we were asked to reflect on several aspects.
> The first one is about the usage of Google site in designeing instructional material, is really benefits the students? In my opinion, Google site is really suitable to be used to enhance science learning especially in teaching topics that is difficult to be taught in conventional classroom such as "the Solar System". This is due to the advantages provided by this application:
- The integration of technology such as Google sites in teaching and learning of science has the potential to arouse students’ interest and indirectly, engage them in learning science subject.
- Google sites could assist teacher in teaching and give students a better understanding in learning science. This is especially when they have to deal with certain concepts that are difficult to be explained verbally. For example, using Google sites could help students to understand the Solar System and its constituents. This is because this platform provides a space for teacher to upload videos which make students easier to visualise and increase their understanding.
- This kind of technology however has limitation. The internet facility should be considered in order to use it for teaching and learning. Therefore, it is best to save it into CDs if teachers face this situation.
> The second one is the different in developing instructional material before and after the introduction of ADDIE model:
I have experienced of developing instructional material before the ADDIE Model being introduced to us, thus I thought it was really hard to design a very systematic and rich-environment instrutional material. This can be seen when my group had done a mistake in which we didn't fully utilised applications provided in Facebook when designing our instructional material.
Hence, through the introduction of ADDIE model, I realised that a good instructional material must have a good planning since the analyse phase. Then only we can move into the design phase in which we develop our instructional material by firstly draw a storyboard and make it into action. Those phases seggested in the Model are fundamental to make sure the instructional materials we produced are systematic, well functioned, and could really enhance students' learning.
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