Tuesday, November 2, 2010

6th Week

This week's lecture is a bit different as we were asked to enter the laboratory insead of went into the actual class (MK2). Why? it is because we were exploring and trying the MBL (microcomputer based laboratory) by carried out an experiment that we've prepared before entering the class. Before we start the experiment, Prof. had briefed us on how to use the tools as it consists of a probe(sensor), interface and also a software used to analyse data installed in the computer.

My group had decided to conduct a simple experiment which is to measure temperature by using temperature probe. We had also recorded the steps in conducting this simple experiment:
  1. The temperature probe was attached to the interface, while the USB cable from the interface was plugged-in to the computer.
  2. Then, the software (DATAstudio) was opened and we have chosen to see the data in graph form.
  3. The temperature probe was then placed under the conditioner for the tools to collect the temperature, and then button "START" on the computer was clicked.
  4. The temperature over time being recorded by the software and it was automatically transferes into graph form.
  5. Step 2 and 3 was repeated by using different medium such as body temperature, room temperature, and the CPU temperature.

>Snapshots during the "hands-on activity" ^_^<

From this hands-on activity, we had experienced the pros cons of using this strategy. Thus, after completing the simple experiment, we sat together in group and discuss the advantages and weaknessess of using the MBL especially for science primary school.

  • It is easy to be used by students as they just have to plug in the USB cable to the computer to enable it to measure the temperature.
  • the software helps to collect data, can be converted into graph, table, chart, histogram, etc.
  • It is safer and easy to handle as compared to conventional thermometer which easily broke and contains mercury which may harmful to the students.
  • It takes longer time for teacher to give instructions, especially students who are not familiar with the technology.
  • Children will be more interested in playing with the probe rather than use it to collect data.
  • manipulative skills such as handling apparatus and collecting data cannot be enhanced.
  • Costly probably be the main reason for it to be used widely in our school.

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