Wednesday, November 3, 2010

13th Week

Today was a big day as it was the presentation of our final product. This is our site for the final project.

This is the URL for our Google site:

After the presentation, we were asked to reflect on several aspects.

> The first one is about the usage of Google site in designeing instructional material, is really benefits the students? In my opinion, Google site is really suitable to be used to enhance science learning especially in teaching topics that is difficult to be taught in conventional classroom such as "the Solar System". This is due to the advantages provided by this application:

  1. The integration of technology such as Google sites in teaching and learning of science has the potential to arouse students’ interest and indirectly, engage them in learning science subject.
  2. Google sites could assist teacher in teaching and give students a better understanding in learning science. This is especially when they have to deal with certain concepts that are difficult to be explained verbally. For example, using Google sites could help students to understand the Solar System and its constituents. This is because this platform provides a space for teacher to upload videos which make students easier to visualise and increase their understanding.
  3. This kind of technology however has limitation. The internet facility should be considered in order to use it for teaching and learning. Therefore, it is best to save it into CDs if teachers face this situation.

> The second one is the different in developing instructional material before and after the introduction of ADDIE model:

I have experienced of developing instructional material before the ADDIE Model being introduced to us, thus I thought it was really hard to design a very systematic and rich-environment instrutional material. This can be seen when my group had done a mistake in which we didn't fully utilised applications provided in Facebook when designing our instructional material.

Hence, through the introduction of ADDIE model, I realised that a good instructional material must have a good planning since the analyse phase. Then only we can move into the design phase in which we develop our instructional material by firstly draw a storyboard and make it into action. Those phases seggested in the Model are fundamental to make sure the instructional materials we produced are systematic, well functioned, and could really enhance students' learning.

12th Week

This week, we were given the whole 3 hours to focus on designing our website. Thanks to Prof. because we were running out of time. There are a lot of works to be completed and these 3 hours are the time for us to get everything done.

Thus, we started to design the homepage in which we choose picture of solar system as the background as it should be interesting and able to capture students’ attention. We also focused on searching for reading materials related to our topic, “The Solar System”. In addition, we thought that it is good if the students could get further information from this website. Therefore, we decided to include several links which are suitable and related to the topic. Other things that we did during these 3 hours were designing the layout, browsing for pictures and designing attractive homepage.

Besides that, we had also searching for other literature to support that the topic is really a problem to be taught to young learners. this is needed as we need to write a report about this website and we must take into consideration the learning problems of students that we are focusing on.

11th Week

This week is the second phase of our progress in completing the last assignment which is about development of simple instruction materials.

As what we've decided on the previous class,we chose the topic of ‘Solar System’ and we decided to use Google sites as a platform of designing the instructional material and then we've came out with the task analysis. Next, the second phase requires us to come out with proper planning and we have to sketch a storyboardwhich shows how our site will look like.

After having a quite long discussion and getting feedback from the lecturer, we have done our storyboard:

Thus, with this storyboard, we finally can develop our instructional material easily and systematically.

10th Week

The lecturer started the lecture by asking us factors to consider for technology integration in Science classroom. the factors are suitability of the topics (abstract, comprehensiveness, contextual.), accessibility and time.

Then, we were introduced to the ADDIE model. This model consists of five phases. Those phases are:

1- Analysis phase
2- Design phase
3- Development phase
4- Implementation
5- Evaluation


The learning problem is identified, the goals and objective of the lesson is predetermined, the delivery options and the timeline for the project are decided.


The storyboard is designed for the entire website.


The actual product and the designed tool.


The tool is tested. Thus, the effectiveness of the tool will be evaluated and the weaknesses and strengths are discovered.


Feedback is gained for making improvements and modifications.

--> Then, based on ADDie Model, we are asked to start planning for our next assignment where we have to develop Instructional Material for Teaching Science.
My group members and I have discussed and we have come out with our topic, domain and target audienc, and other aspect to be considered as follows;
1. Topic: The Solar System 2. Domain: Knowledge 3. Target audience: year 4 4. Learning platform: Google Site. 5. Instructional Design: Directed in

--> Based on the topic selected, we were then asked to come out with our task analysis in which we have to identify what are the knowledge that the studetns need to acquire through our instructional materials. thhe task analysis was presented in a concept map:

9th Week

Today was an important day for us as we have to present our Web2.0 based project. There were four groups in which each group presented different tool.

The presentation started with group one who presented their blog. They were using Blogger to create their blog to teach ‘Endangered Species’. This gave us ideas on how to integrate the applications if we are using blog for our future teaching.

Next presentation is by group two who had chosen Wikis as their platform of learning. They used
Google site as the tool to enhance studetns learning as it is good and flexible to be designed. This is suitable to be used for teaching and learning as it could meet the needs of primary school students.

After that, group 3 presented their Media Sharing tool in which they have chosen instant messaging as an after class activity in which they can send videos to the studetns and also have discussion through video call. This is useful as students could get immediate feedback from teacher and also their peers. Yet, a bit mistake was made by them as they should choose other platform from web 2.0 tools such as facebook, googlesite, blogs, etc as the platform for them to share videos and any other media type.

We are the fourth group and we chose Facebook as the online tool. Using facebook, we use the quiz application whereby we created a set of questions about ‘Solar System’.
However, we made a mistake because we did not fully explore the applications in facebook that can be used as educational website for teaching and learning. Thanks to Prof. because she gave us the second chance to improve our educational website.

All in all, the presentations made by all of us had made me realised that Web 2.0 had provided lots of tools for teachers to be exploited in enhancing science teaching.

8th Week

SOFTWARE EVALUATION is the title of this week's lecture. We have been introduced to Software Evaluation Rubric, Researched and Developed by Kristin Miller and Jacqueline Bach, SAS inSchool Interns, Summer, 2001. The rubric covers several aspect, which are instructional contents, curriculum connections, graphics and multimedia, lay-outs, technical aspects, adaptability and accessibility, learner engagement and interactivity, teacher and learner support material, assessment, age/grade level, and lastly flexibility.

It is important for teachers to know on how to evaluate softwares available ( offline and online) to make sure it is suitable to be used in teaching and learning and also functioned in enhancing students' learning.

then, we were asked to find rubric for sofware evaluation in the internet and present on how we are going to use the rubric to evaluate softwares.

7th Week

Another new topic was introduced in today's class which is Web 2.0. This term is quite familiar yet if I was asked to define it, I don't have the answer. Thus, the lecture today had clarify what is meant by Web 2.0, and the application tools provided by the Web 2.0.


The term Web 2.0 is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. A Web 2.0 site gives its users the free choice to interact or collaborate with each other in a social media dialogue as creators (prosumer) of user-generated content in a virtual community, in contrast to websites where users (consumer) are limited to the passive viewing of content that was created for them. ( definition was taken from Wikipedia)

  1. BLOG
  2. WIKIS
based on the four tools, my group was assigned to find information about "Social Networking" and present it to the class. Here is the information that we'd gathered:

1. what is web 2.0?
- We had find awebsite that had helpedd us to understand Web 2.0 better. This is the link to the website: -

2.what is social networking?
- A brief explanation about social networking can be found HERE.

3.example of social sites:

4. social networking websites' ranking:

After all the presentations, I have understood the applications better. Lastly, we were assigned to exploit the platform that we've presented just now to be used in enhancing science learning.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

6th Week

This week's lecture is a bit different as we were asked to enter the laboratory insead of went into the actual class (MK2). Why? it is because we were exploring and trying the MBL (microcomputer based laboratory) by carried out an experiment that we've prepared before entering the class. Before we start the experiment, Prof. had briefed us on how to use the tools as it consists of a probe(sensor), interface and also a software used to analyse data installed in the computer.

My group had decided to conduct a simple experiment which is to measure temperature by using temperature probe. We had also recorded the steps in conducting this simple experiment:
  1. The temperature probe was attached to the interface, while the USB cable from the interface was plugged-in to the computer.
  2. Then, the software (DATAstudio) was opened and we have chosen to see the data in graph form.
  3. The temperature probe was then placed under the conditioner for the tools to collect the temperature, and then button "START" on the computer was clicked.
  4. The temperature over time being recorded by the software and it was automatically transferes into graph form.
  5. Step 2 and 3 was repeated by using different medium such as body temperature, room temperature, and the CPU temperature.

>Snapshots during the "hands-on activity" ^_^<

From this hands-on activity, we had experienced the pros cons of using this strategy. Thus, after completing the simple experiment, we sat together in group and discuss the advantages and weaknessess of using the MBL especially for science primary school.

  • It is easy to be used by students as they just have to plug in the USB cable to the computer to enable it to measure the temperature.
  • the software helps to collect data, can be converted into graph, table, chart, histogram, etc.
  • It is safer and easy to handle as compared to conventional thermometer which easily broke and contains mercury which may harmful to the students.
  • It takes longer time for teacher to give instructions, especially students who are not familiar with the technology.
  • Children will be more interested in playing with the probe rather than use it to collect data.
  • manipulative skills such as handling apparatus and collecting data cannot be enhanced.
  • Costly probably be the main reason for it to be used widely in our school.

5th Week

This week's lecture is about the integration of technology in science education. There are 7 methods and strategies of technology integration introduced to us. Let's us look into all those methosd and strategies one by one.

1. MBL ( Microcomputer Based Laboratory):
A microcomputer based laboratory (MBL) is one in which a microcomputer is used to collect,
store, process, and analyze data. It is a system consists of a sensor or a probe connected to a microcomputer via an electronic device known as an interface. The educational advantage of a MBL-system is the possibility to collect physical data in real time and that the data is immediately available for analysis and presentation. Accroding to the lecturer, this strategy is more suitable for level 2 primary school as concrete learners need something that help them to visualise such as histogram and chart.

2. Drill and Practice:
This strategy is a structured, repetitive review of previously learned concepts to a predetermined level of mastery. Drill and Practice activities help learners master materials at their own pace. Drills are usually repetitive and are used as a reinforcement tool.example of activity using this strategy are multiplication in mathematics and question & answer session atthe end of the lesson. despite of the advantages of using this strategy as stated before, there are several disadvantages of using this strategy such as it is more teacher centred, and studetns just want to get write answers. Thus, teacher should not only use this strategy in classroom as it should depend on what the students should master.

3. Tutorial:
Tutorial means students are taught everything, from A to Z by the teacher or following instruction in specific websites. when integrated with technology, it uses computer to deliver an entire instructional sequence similar to a teacher’s classroom instruction . The advantages of this strategy are it enhances sel-based learning and more democracy and thus motivate students to learn. However it is based on the studetns' discipline in learning as they are responsible for their own learning and this strategy is a directed instruction ( behaviourist) in which they just follow everything prepared for them.

4. Simulation:
A simulation is a form of experiential learning. Simulations are instructional scenarios where the learner is placed in a "world" defined by the teacher. They represent a reality within which students interact. The teacher controls the parameters of this "world" and uses it to achieve the desired instructional results. It is a strategy that fits well with the principles of constructivism. examples of this strategy are using Virtual reality (VR) to operate, and vidoes that shows how particles moves. This strategy could benefit the students in which it 1) promotes the use of critical and evaluative thinking. 2) The ambiguous or open ended nature of a simulation encourages students to contemplate the implications of a scenario. 3) The situation feels real and thus leads to more engaging interaction by learners. Yet, there are several cons that need to be consider such as it is over simplified, it is a complicated way to teach a simple concept and also do the studetns really developing thinking skills or they just mastering the activities.

5. Problem Solving:
Problem solving focuses on knowing the issues, considering all possible factor and finding a solution. Because all ideas are accepted initially, problem solving allows for finding the best possible solution as opposed to the easiest solution or the first solution proposed. Same as the other strategies, this strategy also has it pros and cons. This stragey might help to enhance Creative and Critical Thinking Skills (CCTS) among the students, however it is not applicable to all grades due to the prior knowledge that students have.

6. Infomation Retrieval:
This is a technique and process of searching, recovering, and interpreting information from large amounts of stored data.

7. Educational Games:
This educational games can be in the form of courseware that includes elements of drill & practice, tutorials. It promotes learning through a fun way, and the types include: adventure games, arcade games, board games etc. The advantages of using this strategy are it is motivating & exciting to users, an interesting approach to learning, and also provides higher retention of concepts learnt. Nevertheless, some issues related to this strategy are users aim to winning and not to focus in achieving the focus of the game, and confusion might arise.

All in all, a teacher should select the most appropriate strategy to be used depending on the focus of the lesson. it is important to make sure that the strategy chosen coulde really help in enhancing studetns' learning.

Monday, November 1, 2010

4th Week

In this week's class, we have been introduced to two learning theories and their implication in Instructional Design (ID). The learning theories are not something very new for us where we have encountered those theories since the first year in college. There are two learning theories being focused here:
a) Behaviorism: Based on observable changes in behavior. Behaviorism focuses on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic.

b) Constructivism: Based on the premise that we all construct our own perspective of the world, through individual experiences and schema. Constructivism focuses on preparing the learner to problem solve in ambiguous situation.

> a very simple example that the lecturer had been use to make us understand clearly how constructivism works in classroom is by asking us to think of foods that an astronomy should bring into the outerspace and explain why we choose those food. Then all of us give our own opinion on food that we think most suitable to be brought into the outerspace and give our own reason by considering about the nutrition, garavitational force in the outerspace, etc.<

~This example had made us understand better on how this constructivism theory works in science classroom.~

Next, we were introduced to Instructional Design (ID) based on the two learning theories by Instructional Designer.

> The first one is ID based on the behaviourist theory which known as Directed Instruction. When designing from a behaviorist stance, the designer analyzes the situation and sets a goal. Individual tasks are broken down and learning objectives are developed. Evaluation consists of determining whether the criteria for the objectives has been met. In this approach the designer decides what is important for the learner to know and attempts to transfer that knowledge to the learner. The learning package is somewhat of a closed system, since although it may allow for some branching and remediation, the learner is still confined to the designer's "world".

> The second ID is designed from a constructivist approach which known as Constructive Instruction. It requires that the designer produces a product that is much more facilitative in nature than prescriptive. The content is not prespecified, direction is determined by the learner and assessment is much more subjective because it does not depend on specific quantitative criteria, but rather the process and self-evaluation of the learner. The standard pencil-and-paper tests of mastery learning are not used in constructive design; instead, evaluation is based on notes, early drafts, final products and journals.
However there is a need to consider problems that might be faced in applying this approach as we have to consider on how much prior knowledge that the students have and bring into the classroom. Besides, we should take into consideration the question " do learners knows what is the best for them?", as in Malaysian context, we still believe that adults know better.